Keeping My Animals Happy

3 Simple Solutions To Prepare Your Dog For The Summer Season

by Reginald Ruiz

With the summer season approaching, you may be preparing for vacations and time at the community pool. While preparations are important, focus on your dog is also necessary. The summer season can be dangerous for your dog's comfort and underlying health whether they spend their time indoors or outdoors. Here are a few tips to prepare your dog for the upcoming extreme temperatures of the summer.


Hydration is key to your health, but it is also essential for your dog's health and wellness. Ensuring your dog has a sufficient amount of water is even more important during the summer season when temperatures are hotter.

Make sure they have clean, cold water all day long. This may require dumping and refilling their bowls a few times during the day, but it is necessary.

If your dog will be spending some time outdoors, make sure they have a bowl of cold water outside, as well.

The total amount of water your dog needs each day varies according to their size and activity level. However, to keep your dog cool and healthy during the summer, they should consume between 8.5 to 17 ounces for every 10 pounds that they weigh. If they are active or spending more times out in the heat, they will need even more water throughout the day.


Your dog will also need a cool place to rest, whether they spend the majority of time indoors or out. Of course, it is important to note that dogs should never spend long periods of time in the sun and extreme heat, since this increases their risk of heatstroke, which is not only uncomfortable, but also life-threatening.

Make sure your dog has a bed or place to rest near a fan or air conditioner vent. This gives them a place to get cool inside after spending time outdoors in the heat. When they are hanging outdoors, make sure they have a covered area, such as a dog house or bed under an umbrella, where they can cool off after being outdoors.


The extreme temperatures of summer will heat up driveways, sidewalks, and roads quickly. These heated surfaces can burn your dog's paws rather quickly. Your dog may suffer actual pain when walking on the hot surfaces. Blisters and sores on your dog's paws can also occur.

Make sure to walk your dog on grassy surfaces only during the summer. If you must walk on the harder surfaces, check the temperature beforehand. Place your hand or foot on the surface and hold it in place. If it is causing you discomfort, it is obviously going to cause your dog discomfort, too.

Consider walking your dog in another location or at a time when it is cooler, such as in the early morning or at night.

Protecting your dog in the summer season is possible. With these simple solutions, you and your dog can prepare for a safe summer season. Contact an emergency vet for more help.
